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June 16, 2011

We play with stuffed animals, dolls etc.

So- got this email today from Joe#2. He clearly loves his daughter. And I think that's awesome. But does he seriously think he will get points by saying he plays dolls and stuff with her? MyDad never did that. My mom yes, but my Dad would play catch with my brother and me. I'm not really sure what to make of this. Comments please!

- Posted by Jen and her crazy online dating adventures from her iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Lauren Posted a comment- but I hit delete instead of post.
    "In my humble opinion, I think it's sort of cute. He's a single dad, and I think it's sweet that when he has his daughter he actually plays with her instead of ignoring her while he texts or plays X-Box. I know it's probably not traditional for a man to play with dolls, but he speaks so highly of his daughter, I find it kind of endearing. I'd give him a chance if you're otherwise into him :) "
