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June 23, 2015

Your screen name is what???



Why would someone take a selfie like this? I'm totally one of those people that looks at the picture of the person, but, then also looks at the background. For stuff like dirty clothes, and other unclean things. 
But this guy. I can't get a good read on this one...since he took a picture of his CEILING!! 

Tonight is obviously old man night...

This guy looks like a semi famous actor- Robert Knepper

This guy claims he is 37...

But I don't buy it - 
This is a meme I found to express my scepticism. 

June 8, 2015


I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing that I have once again raised my standards. Especially after the last asshole that I was with...especially because of him. I lowered my standards because I thought, hey, he's nice. But. Nice only gets you so far. 
So. Here I go. I get roughly 5-10 emails a day. So. I'm going to pick a part each guy I date, because, apparently I'm a hot commodity and when supply and demand kicks in...well...there's only one of me, right?

So. Here is tonight's pick apart. 
I'd love a casino. And a coffee. Don't need a movie buddy. And no. Definitely don't want to get to know you...unless you can really buy me a casino.
You had me at damn pretty, and lost me at casino...sorry. Onto the next.