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August 31, 2011

Flying dogs and chiseled abs...

This is the kind of guy I want to date...strong, confident, will take care of me, macho, won't go shopping with me, a mans man, a Godly man. A man with a flying dog! Which is so cool.

And this is what he looks like: (and I'm totally serious this is the same guy!!! I know. Amazing abs right???!!)

Yes surfer guy...you will be mine. Oh yes. You will be mine.
Oh who the F am I kidding. I don't think surfer guy would ever go for a girl like me. He's a 10 and I'm like a solid 7 1/4. I mean granted I could lose weight and get fake boobs or something- but guys like him- even religious guys like him- have a sort of suaveness and dapper danness that tends to attract sinful things.
Also- because I have my son, many guys get scared. Which is stupid. The guys I always get fall
into one of three categories:
1) You have a kid so you must be easy let's have sex tonight
----which is not true so they bail.

2) You have a kid so you must want to get married tonight
----which is not true but they believe it to be true so they bail

3) You have a kid so you must want to get married tonight, and they literally attach themselves to me and want to be with me 24/7 and want to look at rings before date 6. This has happened 4 times now...
----which is not true so I bail!

Honestly, I'm not even sure I want to get married-ever. I like not having to deal with the drama and stress dating and relationships bring. And most of the guys I've dated or semi-dated just text, never call, and can't plan a date. They just think oh well I'm bored now- wanna "hang out". I don't get it. Did something happen in the last 20 or so years that men have lost their balls? Men are supposed to pursue women. Men are supposed to ask women out on a date. Men are supposed to plan the date. Men are supposed to pay for the date. I could go on and on but I think you get the picture. The last 4 or 5 guys that have "pursued" me did this:
Text him "wanna hang out soon?" me "yeah what were you thinking?" him "oh I don't know? Wanna hang out?" me "yeah how about Saturday night?" him "well I have a (insert some sort of planned event already planned here) to go to but maybe after? I'll let you know." and we never hang out. Or we do like once every other month...or in two cases once every 6 to 7 months.

And this happens over and over. Or they make plans then they fall through. I mean one or two guys okay...but I can literally name names of like 7 guys right now in the past year or so that have done this.
I mean, I understand they might be afraid of rejection or getting hurt but...FIND YOUR BALLS MEN!!

Well that was awesome. Finally got that off my chest. Anyways, I have a date tomorrow. This guy found his balls and asked me out tonight and we are going out tomorrow. See how easy that was men who can't find their balls? Pursue me like a man with balls and man-up. I am not a man so I will not pursue you. Because I have no balls and do not need to find them.

Too bad it's not with surfer guy. (the date) He's my motivation to get all toned and hot. I know I'll never get a hot guy like - well wait. If I'm hotter than him- then I can...right?

- Posted by Jen and her crazy online dating adventures from her iPhone

August 30, 2011

I no what I want?

This guy is so illiterate it's not even funny. How do you not spell know right??? He basically sent a text message for his match profile.

- Posted by Jen and her crazy online dating adventures from her iPhone

August 29, 2011

How young is too young?

Is it better to date an older man, or a younger man- or someone your age? I have 6 guys on match emailing me- youngest is 23 oldest is 40. That's almost 20 years difference between the two. So in 20 years 40 year old will be 60 and 23 year old will be a few years older than 40 year old was 20 years ago.
I guess in the next few weeks I shall see what the difference is- I'm mainly thinking energy? And maturity...lots of maturity.

- Posted by Jen and her crazy online dating adventures from her iPhone

August 26, 2011

So confused...

Is this the same guy?

Whoah. Just whoah...

- Posted by Jen and her crazy online dating adventures from her iPhone

He's not desperate or lonely...

He's is just really...uh..."adventurous". Hmmm is that what they call it now a days?

- Posted by Jen and her crazy online dating adventures from her iPhone